1. Introduction#
1.1. About TrustView#
TrustView continuously discover SSL endpoints and monitors all your certificates. It can also automatically install and renew certificates on your servers, load balancers and other devices. TrustView supports both SSL/TLS and MitID Erhverv OCES certificates in one complete solution.
TrustView consists of four modules that can be combined as needed. The SSL Module, the MitID Erhverv Module, the Automation Module and the ADCS Module.
1.2. Key Features and Modules#
1.2.1. SSL Module#
Ongoing monitoring of SSL connections for outages and vulnerabilities
Continuous discovery of SSL connections via various techniques (e.g. Network scan, AD scan, Whois information, DNS zone transfer)
Storage of SSL certificates with associated private keys
Check out (export) of SSL certificates with associated private keys in all relevant formats and with full history
Monitoring of revocation lists (CRLs) and ADFS services
Pre-expiration notifications
1.2.2. MitID Erhverv Module#
Direct issue of MitID Erhverv certificates
Renewal of MitID Erhverv certificates
Storage of certificates including associated private keys
Check out (export) of SSL certificates with associated private keys in all relevant formats and with full history
Pre-expiration notifications
1.2.3. Automation Module#
Support for Automation via the ACME and SCEP protocol
Installation and renewal of certificates completely automatically in applications and devices such as IIS, Exchange, Apache, Tomcat, Nginx, F5 BIG-IP and Citrix ADC (NetScaler)
Support for monitoring and automation of Citrix ADC (NetScaler) certificates
Support for monitoring and automation of Azure certificates and deployment to key vaults
1.2.4. ADCS Module#
Issuance of certificates from ADCS directly in TrustView (including generation of CSR)
Monitoring of certificates issued by ADCS
1.3. Additional Features#
TrustView also monitors where the certificates are in use
The discovery functionality is very extensive and is run periodically, so you always get an overview that is up-to-date
TrustView does not require the installation of agents to monitor SSL connections
By supporting both SSL and OCES, you can settle for a single solution