6. Installation Prerequisites#
This guide is for installing TrustView on-prem. If you are looking for a cloud solution, we have TrustView Lite, but that is not as feature complete as our on-prem solution. Contact our Support for more details if needed.
There will be a technical contact attached to perform the installation for you.
The following technical prerequisites are required to get TrustView installed:
Logical network access (typically VPN or Citrix)
Access to a server, where we can install TrustView
Access to a database
The installation can also be performed through TeamViewer, a Microsoft Teams session, or something similar, if you prefer to avoid giving server access or have not set up VPN access.
6.1. Server specifications#
Operating system: Windows Server 2022 or later
Memory: 8GB minimum, 12GB or more is recommended
Application storage: 25GB or more
6.2. Database specifications#
Supported database types: Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Express or MySQL
Database storage: Initially 1GB. Growth/yearly: 10MB per endpoint
The database can be installed on a separate server or the same server as TrustView. Once TrustView runs the first time, all required tables will
automatically be created and added to the database, so only a database (named trustviewdb
etc.) and a user to access the database, is required. It is also possible
to just add this database, to an already existing SQL or MySQL instance for example.
6.3. Basic configuration#
Additionally, for the basic configuration of TrustView, we require:
Access to an SMTP gateway adress and a shared mailbox (which is used as sender when e-mail notifications are sent from TrustView)
An example of an SMTP gateway adress could be smtp.company.com
, but it’s also possible to use an Office 365 SMTP server or specify a port and user credentials if necessary.
SSL certificate issued to TrustView itself (used to access the TrustView web interface using https)
This is optional, but if you want to use HTTPS with TrustView, the SSL certificate needs to cover the hostname and domain of the server. It’s not necessary to provide a SSL certificate if you have the ADCS module, as that can perform all the needed actions, through TrustView.
An AD security group (allows access to TrustView using domain login for users that are members of the group)
This is optional, as you can login into TrustView with local users (setup directly in TrustView), but if you want to be able to log into TrustView with Active Directory users, then at least one group (inside your Active Directory) must be created for that purpose. The group can be named after the user roles, like TrustViewAdmins or TrustViewReadOnly etc. (but the final naming convention is up to you). See User Roles.
AD user to synchronize with the Active Directory (only needed if you want login access to TrustView with AD users)
It is recommended to use an AD user which does not expire, as TrustView would need to synchronize with your AD on a hourly basis.
6.4. Firewall rules and access#
There may be cases where your network is closed off and you only want to open for the necessary inbound and outbound connections related to the TrustView instance. The following rules are required:
Inbound and outbound HTTPS connection -
port 443
Connect outbound to
-port 443
Connect outbound to
-port 443
6.5. Integration of ADCS module#
This step is only needed if you need to have the ADCS module (MS PKI) setup and have the license to that module.
A service account with the following permissions assigned to your ADCS (Issuing CA) is needed:
(set under Properties Security)Issue and Manage Certificates
(set under Properties Security). Only required if you want to be able to revoke certificates from TrustViewLogon as a service
on the TrustView server
On the template used to issue from (usually Web Server
unless you have specific preferences), the following permissions are needed:
Read and Enroll
If you have any questions related to the on-prem TrustView installation, contact the technical contact you have been provided or contact our Support.
6.6. Quick checklist#
The following tasks should be completed by you, before the installation of TrustView by a TrustSkills technician takes place: